21-23 The Ringers Rd, Tamworth NSW 2340

Allergy & Immunology


Immunology is the branch of medicine that deals with immune system. Immunologists broadly deal with conditions where the immune system does not work appropriately. When the immune system over-reacts, it can result in conditions that attack one’s own body in an organ-specific way or systemic (whole body) fashion. On the other hand, in conditions where the immune system is under-performing, it can result in immunodeficient conditions that puts one susceptible to recurrent infections.


Compared to autoimmunity, allergy is the condition where the immune system generates a damaging response to an usually harmless substance (called an allergen) such as particular foods, pollen or medications. Rather than ignoring these innoculous substances, the body over-responses and can cause additional damage and in some cases such as anaphylaxis, it may even lead to a life threatening reaction.



An allergist is a specialist that diagnoses, manages and sometimes treat the allergy by teaching the body to tolerate an offending allergen with immunotherapy.



Common allergies include but not limited to:


  • drugs such as penicillins and “sulpha”
  • foods such as milk, nuts, fruits
  • plant pollen and molds
  • animals such as cats and dogs
  • latex allergy and other forms of contact dermatitis


Allergy testing can often help discern the triggering allergen or to rule in or out an allergy. This can be during the same consultation.

Our Immunologist & Allergists